What To Expect

What Should I Wear?

Our congregation wears a wide variety of attire… from Jeans to suit & tie and everything in between. Whether you like to stay comfortable or prefer to dress up for church, you will fit in.

How Long Is The Service?

Our services generally run from 10:45 until 12 noon.

When do you observe Communion can I take the elements?

We celebrate Communion on the last Sunday of the month.  We believe that Jesus commanded us to take the Bread and Cup on a regular basis as we remember his death and resurrection.  The Bread is a symbol of his body and the Cup (we use grape juice) is a symbol of his blood shed for our Salvation.  We invite all who have trusted in Jesus Christ for Salvation to join us in taking of the Bread and Cup.  We ask that those who have never trusted in Jesus to simply allow the elements to quietly pass by.  We pass out the elements and then take them together in unity.

What about Donut Day?

We join together at 10:25 in the fellowship hall the first Sunday of the month for doughnuts, coffee, and juice.  The morning service gets started a little late but we still try to be done by 12:00.

What if I have another question?

Please feel free to contact us at efcloomis@gmail.com with any question, concern, or prayer request.